Board of Education

Don Schuman
Board Chairperson

Cindy Fu

Lori Inarda

Eva Maria Thamrin

Jennifer Plummer

SCHOOL BOARD OBJECTIVES The School Board of Loving Savior Lutheran School is responsible for establishing and maintaining policies involving the school, preschool, and school age care programs. The School Board is appointed by the Church Council. All members serve two-year terms. The School Board will emphasize strategic leadership rather than administrative detail, the future rather than the past, and proactivity rather than the reactivity. In this spirit, the Board will do the following:

  • Be an example of Christian love, patience, kindness, goodness, diligence, joy, forgiveness, and gentleness
  • Worship God and pray to Him often, alone and with students and families, for guidance, understanding, and love
  • Hold the school’s Statement of Purpose as the central organizing focus and thus the basis for all Board functions and decisions
  • Determine that the school’s purpose statement is in harmony with the congregation’s mission and purpose
  • Seek endorsement of the school’s purpose statement by the congregation and communicate that statement to members of the school and congregation’s constituency
  • Develop school policies in accord with congregational policies and procedures and according to legal requirements that will not only guide the daily management of the school, but also ensure the viability of Christian education in the future
  • Keep an outward focus that is concerned with the needs of the school’s constituents, its stakeholders, and its market environment
  • Be responsible, according to the provisions of the congregation, for the funding and financial management of the school
  • Be responsible, according to congregational policy and procedure, for proving, calling, contracting, supervising, and supporting of the principal, faculty, and staff to ensure excellence in education, Lutheran distinctiveness, and achieving the school’s stated purpose

It will be assumed that concerns brought before the Board will have followed the principles of Matthew, Chapter 18, speaking first to the person, staff member, teacher, or administrator prior to reporting the concern to the Board of Education. Please send concerns to Please allow 48 hours for response.